Wow. It's been a while since I last posted. Looking at the date of my last article, like four years! It's time to reengage. I'll try to keep the blog postings coming, with at least two per week, so there will be something new to read if you return to the site as often as you like. Some posts may be short, some much longer. As in the past, I'll keep the focus on business and economics, but will also include more posts on the human experience in an increasingly harsh and contentious society.
Something has changed in America that threatens our connectedness and our respect for one another. No doubt, the discord has been amplified over the past four years of the Trump administration, but it started long before in a bitter and divisive congress and an anachronistic two-party political system. America has drawn sides, liberal, conservative, Democrat, Republican and all the news of the day is somehow politicized. As you might have guessed, I'd like to keep this site free of politics, as best as can be done. There's plenty of that on the internet. It's my hope that we can look at issues on this site fresh, unburdened by political ideology.
I welcome and encourage your comments, although I ask that postings be civil and respectful. No one should be so naïve as to expect a world without controversy or where there is universal agreement on all issues. But the world needs to restore intelligent, well mannered conflict. Let's find it here, together.